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医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(1)





The abdominal cavity is usually observed by insertion of a 12mm trocar into the umbilical part, and 5mm trocars into the left abdomen and the suprapubic region, and pneumoperitoneum. In the case that the appendix can not be detached by laparoscopic instruments due to high adhesion to the retroperitoneum, a 12mm trocar is additionally inserted immediately above the appendix at the right abdomen for appendicitis which the wall of the appendix is probably damaged by the laparoscopic instrument due to embrittlement. The trocar is removed,the right second finder is inserted, the appendix is laparoscopically detached, and mobilization is conducted.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(2)


臭いによって病気を診断することは古くから医学に 使われてきた。例えば、肝性口臭や嫌気性菌感染に よる腐臭の検出は、新しい診断法の発達の陰でほと んど使われなくなったが、嗅覚診断の2例である。 しかしながら、臭い感知の科学技術、シグナルの 処理過程および診断のためのアルゴリズムにおける 最近の進歩は“電気鼻”と呼ばれる化学物質の感知 と同定のできる新しい装置を生み出し、それによっ て、嗅覚による診断がひとつの重要な選択肢として 復活した。



Smelling to establish diagnoses is a time-honored practice in medicine. For example, detecting etorhepaticus and the putrid smell of anaerobic infections represent but two examples of olfactory diagnosis, which has largely been abandoned in the face of new diagnostic technologies. However, recent advances in odor-sensing technology, signal processing and diagnostic algorithms have created chemical sensing and identification devices called "electronic noses" which promise to resurrect olfaction as an important diagnostic option


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(3)


人々が骨の組成を考えた場合、すぐに思い浮かぶの が、それぞれ骨マトリックスの35%と17%を占める カルシウムとリンである。実際は、骨は、30%の有 機物(ほとんどがコラーゲン)、45%のミネラル、 25%の水から作られている。Bio-Availableは、ビタ ミンDやマグネシウム、マンガン、銅、カリウム、ナ トリウム、塩化物とともに、骨の構造成分を変化させ ることによって、骨形成に重要な役割を果たして いる。



When people think of the composition of bone they immediately think of calcium and phosphorous, which represents approximately 35% and 17% of the bone matrix respectively. Bone is actually made from approximately 30% organic material(mostly collagen), 45% minerals and 23% water. Along with Bio-Available Silicon, Vitamin D and minerals such as magnesium, manganese, copper, potassium, sodium and chloride play an important role in the formation of bone by altering its structural components


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(4)口腔ケア


高齢社会の急進展の中で要介護高齢者への訪問診療体制整備の必要性が急増し、誤嚥性肺炎の予防や介護の視点から口腔ケアの重要性が浮上、その効果判定上、口腔内フローラの把握が注視されている。本研究では東京都内の訪問歯科診療受診の要介護高齢者を対象とし、質問票調査、口腔内診査と微生物検査を行い、ケア実施前と約半年後の全身状態の変化と口腔内フローラの変動を観察、ケアの効果を判定した。調査対象菌種はCandida sp.(以下Candida)、Lactobacilli sp.(LB)、Mutans streptococci(MS)、および総嫌気性菌の4種である。全身状態については加齢に伴う低下は避けられなかったが、調査4菌種中、LBは有意に減少し、MSと総嫌気性菌は減少傾向を示した。他方、Candidaには微増傾向が見られた。これらの変化、変動の意義と訪問歯科診療の評価について費用対効果の面も加え考察した。



The rapid growth of elderly population has been leading to an increased demand for the substantial house-call dental care service. The significance of oral health care in the aspect of prevention of aspiration pneumonia or from the care giver’s point of view has been also recognized, and in order to evaluate the effectiveness, the assessment of oral microbial flora is considered inevitable. In this study, oral health examinations and microbiological examinations were performed as well as surveys by questionnaire in the elderly subjects needing nursing care and using house-call dental care service in Tokyo. Then, the change in the subjects’ general conditions and the shifts in oral flora were assessed by comparing the conditions before receiving the care service and after 6 months in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the service. There were four groups of microbial species subjected to the study: Candida sp. (Candida), Lactobacilli sp. (LB), Mutans streptococci (MS) and all kinds of anaerobic bacteria. The subjects’ general conditions somewhat declined due to aging. However, out of 4 microbial species, a significant decrease was observed with LB in numbers, and MS and anaerobes also showed a tendency to decrease. On the other hand, Candida seemed to increase slightly. The significance of these changes or shifts and the assessment on house-visit dental care, including the cost-effectiveness of the service, were discussed.


医学・医療 和訳 翻訳例(5)ヒーリング


Each and every human being has a unique pathway in life, and the healing properties, of each and every flower, is also unique. Each flower represents a particular type of journey that an individual can take, a positive outcome of expanded consciousness. This positive journey inherently indicates where a negative journey has gone in the wrong direction, away from the fulfilment of happiness for the person. In this way the flower healing properties show how people can positively handle challenges and obstacles to their happiness. They also teach basic human values on many levels.


The exercises in this section are also designed as a preparation for you as a therapist to further develop non biased appreciation of basic human conditions and values. Through the exercises you can evaluate a range of opinions on various human values and assess how easy it is to misunderstand a person according to communication difficulties or personal biases.


The programme for studying the first 88 wildflowers' healing properties consists of grouping the flowers by colour to help the first approach be meaningful and give a basis for working with the many healing attributes. It also gives an understanding of Chroma Classification (colour value) as used for diagnosis.


As you have learned with the last lesson of the spirit of the Rainbow Serpent, colours can be seen as the reflection of the different aspects of consciousness. In human beings this applies to their inner make up. The aura of a person, as seen by those who perceive the colours emanating on a subtle level, can be said to be a reflection of the combined streams of the person's consciousness and thought forms within that consciousness. In this, as with all deeper aspects of life, humanity is truly one family, internally producing the same colours for the same expressions of the mind regardless of sex, race or creed.


In every day life, a person's response to specific colours, either by attraction or repulsion, indicates the prevalent state of that person's mind. You may remember colours you loved when you were at different ages, they have probably changed now, though some may remain favourites. Such information can tell you about the prevalent states your mind enjoyed or was burdened with at different times. Have you ever bought a piece of clothing that so attracted you with its colour only to find you couldn't wear it again? This was probably because the day you bought that piece of clothing your mind state was in an unusual mood, not a common one for you, so later the clothing felt uncomfortable to put on, didn't feel, like “you". You ask yourself "why did I buy that?"


Colour and its reflecting moods or states of mind are used to create emotional landscapes and evoke responses in the visual and performing arts, to give expression of cultural values in society and are even used to prompt us to respond subconsciously to advertising and promotional material. Colour then becomes a way of communicating values. The painter uses a deep blue in a pond to create an atmosphere of contemplation and reflection, the dancer wears flaming red in a passionate and exuberant dance piece, a European wedding is white for purity while in India it is the widow who wears white for purity.















医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(6)AGT





上の結果では患者のAGT活性はかなり低値を示しています。原発性高蓚酸尿症1型ではベルオキシソームのAGT1が欠損しているために、グリオキシル酸が解毒されずに蓚酸に酸化され、大量の蓚酸が組織に蓄積したり、尿中に排出されるといわれています。他方、ベルオキシソームへ輸送されるべきAGT1がミトコンドリアに誤輸送されたために、グリオキシル酸の解毒ができず、高蓚酸尿症になることも報告されています(非常にまれに)。 今回の場合、AGT活性が認められましたので、蔗糖密度勾配遠心法で細胞分画をしましたところ、AGT活性はベルオキシソームに検出できませんでしたが、ミトコンドリアとサイトソールに検出されました。サイトソールのAGT活性はGPTの持つAGT活性であると思われます。AGT活性の約25%がミトコンドリアに、残り75%がサイトソール(=GPT活性)に存在していました。このことから、上記のような誤輸送の可能性があります。これを証明するためにはミトコンドリアのAGTがAGT1であることをAGT1の抗体でイムノプロティングにより確認しなければなりません。AGT1のみの活性はSPT活性を測定することによって確認しています。今回はSPT活性は非常に低いために検出できませんでした。controlは前に測定したものですが参考になればと添付しております。イムノプロティングの結果が出ましたらお送りするつもりです。



The above table shows the measurement results of liver homogenate.

The unit of activity (1000mU=1U=1/1000KU) is either an enzyme level which a substrate of 1U=1?mole loses per 1 min. or an enzyme level which a product of 1 ?mole produces per 1 min. GOT and GPT are most general transaminases and so their levels were measured. In a human liver, GTO is localized in mitochondria and cytosol, and GPT only in cytosol. Catalase is a marker enzyme of peroxisome and its level was measured.


The above results show considerably low level of AGT activity in the patient. In type 1 primary hyperoxaluria, it is supposed that peroxisome lacks AGT1, and glyoxylic acid is therefore not detoxified but oxygenated into oxalic acid, consequently a large quantity of oxalic acid is accumulated in tissues and eliminated within urine. On the other hand, some reports said that AGT1 to be transported to peroxisome was misdelivered to mitochondria, thereby glyoxylic acid could not be detoxified, resulting in hyperoxaluria (remarkably few cases). In this study, since AGT activity was observed, the cells were fractionated by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation method, when AGT activity was not detected in the peroxisome but in the mitochondria and cytosol. AGT activity in the cytosol may be GPT-derived AGT activity. About 25% of AGT activity was detected in the mitochondria, and another 75% in the cytosol (=GPT activity). This suggests possibility of the above-mentioned misdelivery. For demonstrating this, AGT in the mitochondria should be confirmed to be AGT1 by immunoblotting with antibodies to AGT1. Activity of AGT1 alone is conventionally confirmed by measuring SPT activity, but SPT activity was too low to be detected in this study.The control, which was measured before, is attached for reference. We will send you the results of immunoblotting assay as soon as we get to the conclusion.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(7)頭頚部癌


頭頚部癌化学放射線療法中に発症し、bacterial translocationの関与が考えられたreversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndromeの1例


症例は35歳女性。中咽頭癌に対する化学放射線療法中に、突然ショックを発症、多臓器不全を呈し集中治療を必要とした。また経過中に可逆性の中枢神経症状をきたした。ショックの原因としてbacterial translocation(BT)の関与が考えられ、可逆性の中枢神経症状はreversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome(RPLS)と呼ばれる病態と思われた。これらにつき臨床的特徴、本症例で診断に至った過程を踏まえ、考察を提示する。



A case with reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome which developed during chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer and the involvement of bacterial translocation was considered


Combination therapy such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy is often chosen, depending on cases, for head and neck cancer in view of preservation of potency. However, on the other hand, it is necessary to note the onset of therapeutic side effect .
A case is a 35 years-old woman. During chemoradiotherapy for mesopharyngeal carcinoma, she developed shock suddenly and presented with multiple organ failure, requiring intensive treatment. In addition, she developed reversible central nerve symptoms during the course. Involvement of bacterial translocation(BT) was thought as a cause of shock, and, the reversible central nerve symptoms were considered to be the pathological condition which was called as reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (RPLS). On the basis of clinical features, and the process that led to a diagnosis in this case, We discuss these conditions.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(8)


1. Taxanについて、若干の追加記述をしました

2. 認容性をより確実に評価するためには、ご指摘のとおりlevel 4での3例追加がbetterだったかもしれません。即時の対応はできませんが、既に開始されたlevel 4用量でのphase 2に登録された4症例にはDLTに相当する有害事象は認めていませんので、RDは現状で問題ないと考えています(記述の追加はしていません)




3. Weekly dose intensity、検査からの除外(患者の拒否)について追加記述しました



1. For Taxan, some additional descriptions were made.

2. 3 cases addition in level 4 may have been better in order to evaluate tolerability more infallibly. Though immediate response is impossible, Adverse events equivalent to DLT were not observed in 4 cases which were entered at level 4 dose which were already started (no additional description was made),and we think that RD does not matter at current situation ( no additional description was made).

Upper limit of white blood cell count was established to exclude inflammatory disease and blood disease. Additional descriptions were made for completion of treatment and frequency of evaluation.

Some additional descriptions were made for Pharmacokinetics.

Additional descriptions were made for weekly dose intensity and exclusion from examination (refusal from patients ) .


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(9)症例





The 26 year old male patient had a history of right testicular infarction and received a right orchiectomy in June 2005. He had been taking antiplatelet agents since then, but in January 2006, he was brought in by ambulance and readmitted to the hospital due to chest pain occurred during exercise. On the way to the hospital, he developed ventricular fibrillation. Sinus rhythm was obtained after electrical cardioversion. An ECG test and a cardiac echo were performed at the time of hospital admission, and ST elevation was observed in the chest lead as well as decreased cardiac wall movement in LAD region with the echo. Acute MI was diagnosed based on these results. An emergency coronary angiography was performed, and a complete occlusion was found at the location #6, the proximal end of the artery. TIMI2 was achieved after thrombus aspiration. However, a presence of coagulation abnormality was suspected since the patient developed the acute MI at young age, suggesting that the next attack could be fatal. We were able to achieve a satisfactory outcome by selecting an emergency CABG (LITA-LAD anastomosis). However, it was very difficult to determine which treatment strategy would be more suitable in this kind of case; placing a stent or doing an emergency CABG.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(10)平均年齢





The mean age was 73.7 years (50-89 years). The average period of postoperative monitoring was 15.6 months (3-58 months). The beginning of the injury included 35 cases of falls, 13 cases of heavy-duty lifting and 22 cases of unknown. In terms of preoperative history, 30 cases (42.8%) included pulmonary and heart diseases, hypertension, etc. The diseased areas of vertebral body included Th9 (4 vertebral bodies), Th10 (1), Th11 (3), Th12 (29), L1 (27), L2 (12), L3 (14), L4 (2), L5 (1). The period from injury or The mean age was 73.7 years (50-89 years). The average period of postoperative monitoring was 15.6 months (3-58 months). The beginning of the injury included 35 cases of falls, 13 cases of heavy-duty lifting and 22 cases of unknown. In terms of preoperative history, 30 cases (42.8%) included pulmonary and heart diseases, hypertension, etc. The diseased areas of vertebral body included Th9 (4 vertebral bodies), Th10 (1), Th11 (3), Th12 (29), L1 (27), L2 (12), L3 (14), L4 (2), L5 (1). The period from injury or increased lower back pain to operation was 4-180 (averaged 24.2) days.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(11)





In 19 cases, vertebro-plasty was conducted for a plurality of vertebral bodies. The mean wedge deformation ratio of vertebral body was 73.4% before operation, 83.4% after operation, and finally 76.6%, the mean correction loss at the final investigation was 8.1%, and the mean angle of kyphosis was 9.7o before operation, 6.6° after operation, and finally, 8.9°. The types of fracture included compression fracture (88 vertebral bodies) and burst fracture (5). The mean time of operation was 52.5 minutes. The mean amount of bleeding during surgery was 64.2 ml. The mean number of the used HA was 27.3 blocks. The patients initiated the gait 5.1 days after operation on average. The mean length of hospitalization was 27.1 days. In terms of lower back pain in final investigation, 40 patients had no pain, 6 patients had the pain constantly, 11 patients had it only while walking, and 13 patients sometimes had it. In terms of intraoperative complication, HA was protruded outside of the vertebral body in the total of 32 vertebral bodies (34.4%) including 2 cases of inside of the vertebral canal and 30 cases of others.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(12)手術


HAの脊柱管以外への逸脱例の原因として、ガイドバー等の不適切な刺入が8椎体(26.6%)、その他術中操作中のものが22椎体(73.3%)認められた。術後隣接椎体の骨折が認められたのは3例(4.2%)であった。最終の椎体楔状変形率が49〜40%は6例、39%以下は3例であった。また術後に手術を施行した当該椎体の圧潰を認めたため、6(男性2、女性4)例に再手術を施行した。再手術例の平均年齢72.6歳、術前CTで椎体体部に骨折線を認めたのは3例、椎体後壁に軽度の骨折が認めたのは2例であった。術前の椎体楔状変形率、後弯角は平均63.1%、18.6°、術後84.6%、11.6°、再手術前46.4%、27.8°であった。術前の椎体楔状変形率60%未満2椎体(50%)、70%未満3椎体(8.8%)であった。再手術前の椎体楔状変形率は50〜59%が4椎体、49%以下2椎体であった。再手術例では非再手術例と比較し、術前の椎体楔状変形率は低値であり、有意差を認めた。骨密度はYoung Adult Mean値が平均58%(50〜64%)と低値であった。再手術前に下肢神経障害を認めた症例はなかった。5例で術直後椎体外へのHA逸脱を認め、うち3例は前方への逸脱が認められた。また全例術後3ヶ月以内に椎体の圧潰が始まり、それに伴い腰痛が増強していた。脊柱管内へのHA逸脱は2例に認めた。1例は術直後より両下肢痛が出現したため、再手術を施行したが、もう1例は歩行時に軽度の腰痛認められるのみであったため経過観察とした。



As for the reasons of protrusion of HA to other sites than the vertebral canal, guide bars and other tools were improperly penetrated in 8 vertebral bodies (26.6%) and, in other 22 vertebral bodies (73.3%), protrusion was caused by intraoperative manipulation. Three cases (4.2%) showed postoperative fracture of the adjacent vertebral bodies. Six cases showed the final wedge deformation ratio of vertebral body of 49-40%, and 3 cases showed 39% or less. In addition, since 6 cases (2 men and 4 women) showed collapse of the operated vertebral bodies after operation, they underwent reoperation. The mean age of the patients of reoperation was 72.6 years. By preoperative CT, 3 cases showed fracture lines in vertebral bodies, and 2 cases showed mild fracture in posterior walls. The mean wedge deformation ratio of vertebral body and angle of kyphosis were 63.1% and 18.6° before operation, 84.6% and 11.6° after operation, and 46.4% and 27.8° before reoperation. Before operation, 2 vertebral bodies (50%) showed the wedge deformation ratio of vertebral body of less than 60%, and 3 vertebral bodies (8.8%) showed less than 70%. Before reoperation, 4 vertebral bodies showed the wedge deformation ratio of vertebral body of 50-59%, and 2 vertebral bodies showed 49% or less. The cases of reoperation were compared with the case of non- reoperation and showed significantly lower preoperative wedge deformation ratio of vertebral body before operation. Young adults showed the mean bone density as low as 58% (50-64%). No patient showed neurologic injury in lower extremities prior to reoperation. In 5 cases, HA was protruded outside of the vertebral body immediately after operation, and in 3 cases of them, it was protruded forward. In all cases, collapse of the vertebral bodies appeared within 3 months after operation, which was followed by enhanced lower back pain. Two cases showed protrusion of HA into the vertebral canal. One patient had pain in the lower limbs immediately after operation and thus underwent reoperation, but another patient had just a mild lower back pain while walking and thus followed up.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(14)


本研究は日本人の2型糖尿病患者を対象として、心血管系自律神経機能障害(cardiac autonomic dysfunction)とserum interleukin-6 (IL-6) level の関連を検討したものである。近年IL-6などのサイトカインは心疾患や糖尿病の病態において重要な因子として注目されており、本研究の主題は興味深いものである。比較的多くの症例を対象としている点や、特に自律神経機能の検査が詳細に行われている点は評価できる。



In this study, the relationship between cardiac autonomic dysfunction and serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) level was considered, targeting Japanese patients with Type II diabetes. In recent years, cytokine, such as IL-6, has gained attention as an important factor in the clinical condition of cardiac disease and diabetes and the theme of this study is interesting. Targeting a relatively large number of cases, and the detailed examination of the autonomic nervous function in particular, are points that can be highly appraised.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(15)研究目的





The purpose of the study is to clarify the image of nurses described in the assessment to develop a nursing process to support persons suffering from depression after cerebrovascular disease in their recovery, and to derive features regarding description by analyzing publications that describe practiced nursing care to support persons suffering from depression after cerebrovascular disease in their recovery. After searching “Japana Centra Revno Medicina” and making evaluative selections, three publications were targeted for analysis. From the description in the publications, the development of the nursing process and the assessment at that time were reorganized, then according to the aspects of the conditions of depression, the assessment of nurses was reorganized and analysis materials were created.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(16)





(Background)Breast augmentation methods include using an implant, as well as using the patient’s own fat. Although research development by the manufacturer has assessed implants as safe and viable, implants are a foreign substance and may cause capsule contracture and damage. While breast augmentation using the patient’s own fat is performed to some degree, it is difficult to say that it is widely recognized due to its poor implantation rate. In recent years in Japan, there have been a large number of cases where patients concerned about the demerits of breast augmentation, have shown interest in breast augmentation using hyaluronic acid.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(17)著者らは・・・


著者らはShagas’ cardiomyopathyにおける先進的な治療法を核医学的手法で評価しており,興味深い研究である.しかしながら,対象がわずか3例と少なく,MIBGの所見も一定の傾向が得られていない.また,Shagas’ cardiomyopathyにおける心臓核医学検査所見の特徴や再生医療の有用性は,先にあげた論文でより多数例での検討が既に報告されている.以上のことから,本論文はoriginal article としてはインパクトが弱いと思われ,残念ながら本誌に掲載するには不適格と判断する.



It is an interesting research that the authors evaluated the advanced treatment method for Shagas’ cardiomyopathy in nuclear medicine techniques. However, the number of subjects was only three, hence too small, and no consistent finding has been obtained with MIBG. The characteristics of examination findings of cardiac nuclear medicine and the usefulness of regenerative medicine have been already investigated in the larger number of cases in the above mentioned reports. Therefore, this report does not seem to be competitive enough to be an original article, and we consider that it is not qualified unfortunately to be published in this journal.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(18)


最近、日本においてもDTC遺伝子検査はじょじょに広がりつつある。 医療現場においては、遺伝子検査は各種ガイドラインに従って、専門家によるカウンセリングの下で行われるが、DTC遺伝子検査では、インターネットや雑誌の情報を基に、消費者が自ら検査を選択し、結果を理解することが求められる。 これまでの研究においては、DTC遺伝子検査の普及により期待される効果として、健康増進や予防医療への関心が高まることが報告されている一方、問題点として、遺伝子検査の質管理体制の不備、現在提供されている検査の科学的根拠のあいまいさ、消費者が結果を十分理解できるかどうかへの懸念、結果の不適切な利用への懸念などが挙げられている。



DTC gene testing has recently been available even within Japan. At medical facilities, gene testing is performed under the counseling of experts according to various guidelines, but for DTC gene testing, the consumer chooses to take the test on his own based on information from the Internet and magazines, and must interpret the results himself. Previous studies have reported that while interest in health improvement and preventive medicine will increase due to the expected effect of the dissemination of DTC gene testing, issues such as the poor quality in the management system of the gene test, ambiguity of the scientific evidence of the test currently available, and concern whether consumers fully understand the results and regarding the inappropriate use of such result, have been raised.


医学・医療 和訳 翻訳例(19)


「P227-29」のP2「There is a limit to …」のパラグラフ





医学・医療 和訳 翻訳例(20)










医学・医療 和訳 翻訳例(21)


「Depression」P1の「Method」First Pragraph





医学・医療 和訳 翻訳例(22)


「Trauma」P1「Prevalence of….」の2nd paragraph





医学・医療 和訳 翻訳例(23)


「Trauma」P1「Summary and Recommendations」の2、まで









医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(24)





The purpose of this study is to show physical and mental characteristics of the frail elderly by comparing with the elderly requiring long-term care and the healthy elderly and to examine the care prevention of the frail elderly. We interviewed 77 frail elderly (A group), 34 elderly requiring long-term care (people requiring support and people requiring long-term care, level 1: B group), and 52 healthy elderly (C group). The interview items are as follows: basic attributes, subjective sense of well-being, physical status (body movement, physical condition, physical strength, appetite, sleep, and fatigability), physical pain (shoulders, lower back, and knees), Functional Capacity TMIG (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Index of Competence, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), ADL (Activities of Daily Living) Self-Efficacy Scale, fear of falling, Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE).
Physical characteristics such as subjective sense of well-being and MMSE are not significantly different between the frail elderly and the healthy elderly. However, functional capacity (Functional Capacity TMIG Index of Competence and IADL) of the frail elderly is lower than the healthy one. And ADL Self-Efficacy Scale that is important in maintaining independence showed a significant difference between the two groups. Lower back pain and knee pain are significantly correlated with subjective sense of well-being, body movement, fear of falling and ADL self-efficacy. These results suggest that the frail elderly are potential candidates for the elderly requiring long-term care and that we should take care prevention measures as soon as possible.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(25)


天然歯の色調を評価する方法としてシェードガイドを用いる視感比色法がある.近年, 色構成に規則性があり,天然歯の色空間と近い分布を示すシェードガイドとしてVITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTERRが登場した.しかし,選択過程において明度,彩度,色相を決定する煩雑さから,天然歯の色調を的確に評価することが困難な場合があるとの指摘がある.そこで,効果的なVITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTERRの色調選択法として,明度決定過程を考慮した方法を検討した.



I Purpose
As a method to measure the color tone of natural teeth, visual colorimetryis used as a shade guide,. In recent years, VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTERR has appeared on the market as a shade guide which has consistency in color composition and can show distribution close to the color space of natural teeth. However, difficultyinaccurately measuringthe color tone of natural teeth has been noted due to the complex selection process for brightness, chromatics, and color phase. So, the effective color tone selection method of VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTERRmethodwas examined in consideration of the brightness setting process.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(26)


色調選択は,昼光の自然光下の室内で行い,シェードガイドとして3Dおよび明度グループを代表するシェードタブ5本組(VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTERR FIRST STEP GUIDE, VITA-ジーシー,以下FSGと略す)を用いた.
評価者は,3体のファントム(DR-11,モリタ)内に設置した顎歯模型(D50D-EP.18,ニッシン)上顎右側中切歯部に固定されたシェードタブについて次の2つの方法により色調選択を行った.方法A:従来の方法により3Dのみで選択する方法,方法B:FSGを用いて明度グループを決定後,選択した明度グループから彩度,色相の決定を行う方法. さらに,2つの方法における色調選択のしやすさに関しての主観的評価をvisual analogue scale(VAS)を用いて記録した.VASの記入方法としては,長さ100 oの線分を用い,左端を著しく難しい,右端を非常に簡単と想定して記入するように指示した.また,自由回答式アンケートへの記載も行った.



Color tone selection method
Color tone selection was performed in a room during the day with natural light, and 5 shade tabs (VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTERR FIRST STEP GUIDE, VITA-GC, hereafter abbreviated as FSG) were used as the shade guide to represent 3D and its brightness groups. The evaluatorsperformed color tone selection for the shade tabs attached to the central incisor on the right side of the upper jaw of the jaw and teeth molds (D50D-EP.18, Nisshin)installed in 3 phantoms (DR-11, Morita)by the following two methods. Method A: Selection only with3D, under conventional methods. Method B: After deciding the brightness group, FSG is used to decide chromatics and hue from the selected brightness group. Furthermore, a subjective evaluation regarding ease of color tone selection by the two methods was recorded by visual analogue scale(VAS). For the VASinput method, a 100mm segment was used, with the left edge representing very difficult and the right edge very easy. Also, an open questionnaire was filled out.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(27)


測色装置は,非接触型微小面積測色用分光光度計Color Analyzing Spectrophotometer-Iwate Medical Univ. School of Dentistry Type 1を用いて2),シェードタブの歯冠中央部3×2 oの範囲の分光反射率を測定,色彩学的数値を算出した.



Color measurement equipment
For the color measurement equipment, the non-contact type Color Analyzing Spectrophotometer-Iwate Medical Univ. School of Dentistry Type1, 2 was usedto measure the spectral reflection factorof the shade tab of the center crownwith an area of 3x2mm and calculate the color study value.


医学・医療 英訳 翻訳例(28)


一致率は,方法Aで3.2%,方法Bで17.5%,あった.また,対象との色差△Eは,方法Aで4.7±2.2(mean±SD),方法Bで3.8±2.2(mean±SD)を示した.色調選択に要した時間は,方法Aが49.7±33.7秒(mean±SD),方法Bでは39.2±22.1秒(mean±SD)であった.VASによる評価では,方法Bが58.6±15.2 o(mean±SD)で,方法Aの36±15.9o(mean±SD)と比較して有意に大きい値を示した.自由回答式アンケートへの記載では「FSGを使用した方法が探しやすかった」「FSGを使用した方がわかりやすかった」等の意見が多かった.



Analysis items
For color tone selection, concordance rate, color difference△E, time required for color tone selection, and VAS were comparatively analyzed as parameters.
Results and Discussion
The concordance rate was 3.2% in Method A, 17.5% in Method B. Also, color difference△E with the subject was 4.7±2.2(mean±SD) in Method A, 3.8±2.2(mean±SD) in Method B. Time required for color tone selection was 49.7±33.7 seconds(mean±SD) in Method A, 39.2±22.1 seconds(mean±SD) in Method B. In the VAS evaluation, Method B was 58.6±15.2mm (mean±SD), showing a significantly larger value than Method A with 36±15.9mm (mean±SD). Many commentsfrom the open questionnaire, such as “It was easy to search with the FSG method,” and“It was easier to understand using FSG," were given.









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