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技術 英訳 翻訳例(土木建築)






技術 英訳 翻訳例(土木建築1)





The Shin-Ujigawa drainage tunnel is a circular drainage tunnel of diameter 7m and a total length of 2,365m as a part of “Special and Urgent Countermeasures to prevent Flooding of Ujigawa Above Floor Level” that aims to reduce and relieve flooding of inland water of Onyugawa river and Niyodo river, a class A river.
In this tunnel, we adopted watertight structure for all lines considering protection of the natural environment and social environment, especially groundwater environment. In order to make it a water-tight structure, waterproof sheet and fundgarten ground were considered as the base, and since a maximum pressure of 1.1MPa acts on the lining, we devised mechanisms such as make it a circular structure with uniform lining thickness. In the construction, mechanical excavation using a free surface excavation machine was the base. This article reports the design and construction result, such as a shortening of the duration of construction using 3-4span type invert bridge.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(土木建築2)





Mineyama tunnel of Hokuriku shinkansen is a mountain tunnel of total length 7,090m, and the east construction area occupies 3,278m of that. Ground is a mudstone of young generation in the Neogene period. Overburden was approximately 390m at its maximum, and since the 200m segment consisted of 70% of the total, the occurrence of deformation was feared, and its prevention had become an issue.
In this mudstone ground, we executed a test of the new construction method (POWER bolt construction method) in a typical cross-section, and analyzed the performance and execution capacity of preventing deformation as compared to the standard support pattern. While incorporating the knowledge that we gained through the execution of the test, we adopted this new construction method on a full-fledged scale on the extended cross-section surface. As a result, a standard result could be achieved in the prevention of deformation, and it could be put into practice.
This article reports on the new construction method that was effective in preventing deformation.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(土木建築3)





In recent years, there is an increase in the cases of over-burden excavation directly under or very near other construction using mountain tunnel construction method. Moreover, there are many incidents of constructing tunnels with close proximity, as represented by spectacle tunnels, due to problems such as restrictions in the land available. This tunnel is a twin tunnel, and the distance between the two tunnels at the pit is a mere 0.44m, thus being a closely-proximal tunnel design. Also, there are residences and roads on the surface of the pit, and also various constructions near the tunnel. Thus it was necessary to control the impact on the surface because of tunnel excavation to the minimum. This article reports on the results of the construction of closely-proximal tunnel through early closure of full surface, thus limiting the depression of the surface to the minimum.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(土木建築4)





Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin line (subway number 13) is a subway of length 8.9km from Ikebukuro station to Shibuya station, being constructed with the aim of starting operations in June 2009. The site of this construction is Higashi Shinjuku station, where a large-scale channel tunnel of total length 372m, average excavation depth 37m, 4strata 2 span directly under the Meiji Dori Avenue, which boasts of having a significant share of the traffic in the metropolis. The under-pinning reported here lies at the intersection of Okubo Dori avenue and Meiji Dori avenue, towards Ikebukuro, and under it lie several large lifelines such as Tokyo Electric line (4000x2650), NTT line (φ2,850 andφ4,000), and second Toyama main sewerage (φ4,050). This article reports on the results of under-pinning done with 54 support piles that temporarily received ground load (approx 13,000tf) at the intersection in high-proof (φ812.8o) directly under the intersection, because construction was difficult while protecting these large-scale lifelines.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(土木建築5)


本工事の掘削地盤は,軟弱地盤と硬質地盤であり,軟弱地盤に対してはCDM(Cement Deep Mixing)による過沈下防止対策を行った後に,従来の圧入式オープンケーソン工法による施工を行い,硬質地盤に対しては,拡縮自在システムによる施工を行った.



This construction is a deep vertical shaft with depth more than 60m in Toyosu Roku-chome from Shinagawa-ku Yashio icchome to Eto-ku Toyosu Nichome, which is an underdeveloped segment of the Tonan line, using automated open Caisson method (freely extensible and contractible).
The excavation base of this construction is soft ground and hard ground, and after carrying out countermeasures against excessive depression in case of soft ground using Cement Deep Mixing, we constructed using the traditional press-in open Caisson method, and constructed in a freely extensible and contractible system for the hard ground.
Construction of a vertical structure using the same system is just the second example in Japan, and the external diameter is the highest in Japan atφ11.4m. Moreover, construction using self-weight large caisson (concrete frame) is the first in Japan.
This article introduces a new depression measurement system to measure depression at the time of press-in depression using an expandable and contractible system as we obtained favorable results by adopting it.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(土木関連1)


北陸新幹線飯山トンネルは全長約22kmの山岳トンネルであり,富倉工区はそのうち約4,500mの工区である.地質は砂岩や泥岩などに被圧帯水層が挟在する複雑な地質構造であり,一般的な水抜きボーリングだけでは帯水層の確認が困難なことが懸念された.また,未固結な土砂からなる地山においてトンネル掘削を行う場合,切羽の安定性の評価を行うには地山物性値とともに,掘削周辺の帯水状況を把握することが不可欠である. そこで切羽前方および周辺の地下水の有無の確認,その湧水圧,湧水量の確認による新たな切羽管理手法を考案した.本稿では新たな水圧管理を用いたNATMトンネルの掘削について報告する.



Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology AgencyHideaki Takahara Hokuriku Shinkansen Iiyama tunnel is a mountain tunnel of total length of 22 km, and Tomikura construction area is a construction area of approximately 4,500 meters. The geology has a complex structure with artesian aquifier narrowly existing between sandstone and mudstone, and it was a cause of concern that it would be difficult to check the aquifier with general drip-hole boring. Also, in order to dig a tunnel in a ground that is composed of poorly-lithified soil, it is essential to understand the aquiferous state of the excavation site along with ground property values. We have devised a new face management method by checking the existence of face-front and underground water in the neighborhood, and the sump pressure and sump quantity there. This report explains the digging of a NATM tunnel using a new water-pressure management method.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(土木関連2)





Mihara bypass is being constructed with the aim of easing the traffic congestion on national highway no. 2 in Mihara city of Hiroshima prefecture. Ten tunnels are to be constructed, covering approximately 60% (total of 5.6km) of the total length of 9.9km. Mihara bypass no. 5 tunnel, with a length of 1,160m is the longest tunnel from among the 10 tunnels, and has been excavated from the terminus side (Hiroshima) using NATM.
It is planned that this tunnel will intersect the already-existing Bingo tunnel of the Sanyo Shinkansen (henceforth mentioned as Bingo tunnel) from the top at a minimum distance of 15.5m. Hence, at the time of construction, it was necessary to select an excavation method that would have a minimum impact of the vibration on the Bingo tunnel. This report explains the results of the excavation methods (low-vibration blasting using TBM heading and EG slitter and IC detonator) used for this construction.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(土木関連3)





In the construction of walkway with the already-existing subway no. 4 at Midoribashi stop, which is a part of the construction of Osaka subway line no. 8, the usage of only the open-cut method was difficult as the volume of traffic was high and there were underground installations. Hence, a combination of the open-cut method and the open-type rectangular shield method was used for the construction.
This report explains the background behind adopting the open-type rectangular shield method, and reports on the various problems when faced at the time of drilling and working in little construction space and the various solutions adopted (ground improvement, clear underground obstacles, take out sand).
This construction has been completed without any problems, and the safety and economic efficiency of the open-type shield method cold be confirmed by adopting an appropriate supplementary method of construction.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(土木関連4)





In the metropolis of Tokyo, re-construction activities are being carried out to update the efficiency and functions of decrepit sewage facilities so that those facilities can achieve the role expected of contemporary sewage facilities. As a part of this activity, there is a planned re-construction of the Narihirabashi pump that lies in the flat, zero-meter land in the so-called Eto delta in downtown Tokyo.
This involved the construction of a pump with similar capacity next to the decrepit pump, thus securing the functions of a pump. At present, construction using shield method is on to support the increased amount of rainfall and change the drainage discharge drain from Kitajukkengawa that is a closed water area to Sumidagawa, in order to improve the water quality of Kitajukkengawa. The depth of the lift-off shaft was considerable considering future plan, and also to avoid the obstructions on the way, it was inevitable to have a steep slope for the discharge drain to discharge water into Sumida river, and have complex construction in multi-layered soil such as dissolving methane.
This report centers on the problems and solutions at the time of sharp-slope shield construction in complex multi-layered soil.











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