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技術 英訳 翻訳例(IT・環境)




技術 英訳 翻訳例(IT関連1)





The settings related to MCBOX functions and operations are described in the environment setup file. The definition format of the settings file defines the section and items related to that section. Furthermore, if '#' is used in the file, those after the '#' are treated as comments and ignored.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(環境関連2)





Our tool is based on a knowledge base system with the ability to narrow down places where problems take place from entire air conditioning system by only using limited numbers of basic data items without need for installing new sensors. First of all, a simulation is run on the assumption that there are many kinds of problems on the air conditioning system. These problems differentiate outputs of the simulation, such as the energy consumptions and the room temperature from the normal values. And, the magnitude of the deference depends on the seriousness of the problem. Namely, when the problem is serious, the difference from the normal values becomes large while the problem is not serious, the difference from the normal values becomes small. A flow chart can be created by categorizing / organizing these deviated values. And, a place where problem takes place can be estimated by tracking back the flow chart with the deviated value as the starting point. This tool alone is not intended to precisely detect / diagnose problems, but to use on the premise to apply conventional model base system after narrowing down the problems. Completion of the tool development allows us to precisely and promptly detect / diagnose problems and to effectively prevent wastes of energies and costs generated by the problems.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(環境関連3)





(1)Contaminated coil in the air conditioning unit: Problem on the assumption that efficiency of heat exchange at the coil of the air conditioning unit is deteriorated Attachment of contamination in the coil due to miss management, such as that for the cold water circulating at the heat source side is thought to be the potential cause. When the problem becomes serious, the load might not be dealt with trough deteriorated heat exchange function.
(2)Reduced air volume of the air supply in rooms: Problem on the assumption that the air volume supplied to rooms is reduced Reduced air volume supplied by deteriorated device function, such as the fan for the air supply is thought to be the potential cause.
(3)Problem to control temperature at the fan for the air supply: Problem due to different temperature setting for the fan for the air supply from the precise setting for each season
Improper setting for the seasonal changes and error in inputting for the set up value are thought to be the potential causes. (4)Fixed VAV dumper at each floor: Problem caused by inflexible openings for the VAV unit dumper at each floor
The openings of the dumper can be changed by the PI signal, but this function can not be achieved due to the fixed dumper caused by rust or damage.
(5)Fixed VAV dumper at the standard floor: Same problem as that indicated in (10). The problem this time is on the assumption that fixed openings for the VAV unit dumper only at the standard floor.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(IT関連4)


画面最上部のメニューバーの『ProgramName』はボタンになっています。『ProgramName』ボタンをクリックするとテストプログラムの選択ウィンドウが開き「7.4.1. テストモード選択」で指定したモードに対応したテストプログラムが表示されます。テストプログラムを選択し、『OK』ボタンをクリックすると確定しメイン画面に選択したテストプログラム名が表示されます。『Cancel』ボタンで中止します。



The [ProgramName] on the menu bar at the top of the screen is a button. Clicking the [ProgramName] button opens the test program selection window and displays the test program that corresponds to the mode specified in “ of a test mode ” Selecting the test program and clicking the [OK] button confirms the selectionand the selected test program name is displayed on the main screen. Cancel by clicking the [Cancel] button.


技術 英訳 翻訳例(IT関連5)





Outputs the start time and end time of each test end. The start time is the summary clearance time or wafer start time.
1 … Outputs the start/end time to {MCBOX_TMP}\mcbox_time1.summary.
2 … Additionally outputs the start/end time to all summary display and outputs of summary.





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